This year’s European Hozonkai Championship will again allow its participants to expand their knowledge about the Akita Inu breed

On 29 September, an in-depth seminar about “the Akita Inu brindle” will be given by none other than SAITOU Akira—AKIHO's Director of Judging—and MIURA Kousei—AKIHO Judge. Furthermore, at the end of the seminar, there will be time available to ask questions, giving the chance to gain further insight on what makes the Akita Inu brindle so special and what should be paid attention to. Considering the expertise of the two speakers, we highly recommend all to take advantage of this unique opportunity. 

Additionally, in line with the seminar's theme, two Meiyoshou awarded brindle Akita Inu will be present at this year’s European Hozonkai Championship: Kouunmaru Go Senshuu Takashihamasou and Seikou Go Kanzakiya Kensha.
