the latest updates

Peter van der Lugt Peter van der Lugt


While this weekend European Akita Inu enthusiasts are joining together in Torino, Italy for the 12th European Hozonkai Championship as well as honoring Hachikou’s 100 birthday, today it was also the day of his 88th ireisai (memorial service) in Shibuya, Tokyo.

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Peter van der Lugt Peter van der Lugt


Entries for the 12th European Hozonkai Championship have just been closed, resulting in a total of 128 Akita Inu. The exhibition wil have exhibitors from all over Europe, including (in alphabetical order) Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Netherlands, Serbia, Switzerland and Romania.

AKIHO Europe is looking forward to a great exhibition and seeing all of you soon.

12th European Hozonkai Championship - Japan Returns To Europe! 🇪🇺❤️🇯🇵🐕

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Peter van der Lugt Peter van der Lugt


2023 is not only the year of commemorating Hachikou’s 100th anniversary, it will also mark the launch of a special award: AKIHO Eiyoshou.

Similarly to AKIHO Meiyoshou—the legendary award that may or may not be assigned to one or multiple Akita Inu competing in Seiken A class at Honbuten—AKIHO Eiyoshou is an honorary award that exceeds Tokuyuu.

We look forward finding out if and to who the first AKIHO Eiyoshou will be assigned during the 12th European Hozonkai, later next week.

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Peter van der Lugt Peter van der Lugt


Very soon it will take place, on 8 and 9 April in Torino - Italy, the 12th European Hozonkai Championship. And this year with extra reasons for participating: the launch of Eiyoshou, Hachikou’s 100th Anniversary, and the visit of a highly distinguished Japanese delegation that includes AKIHO President Endou Takashi, recently retired Vice-President Kawakita Kousuke and Vice-Director of Judging Saitou Akira.

No further words needed, other than us welcoming you to head on over to AKIHO Europe’s official website and enter your Akita Inu for the 12th Europe Hozonkai Championship.

Looking forward to see you there!

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Peter van der Lugt Peter van der Lugt


With 2023 marking faithful dog Hachikou’s 100th anniversary, this year AKIHO Europe has the honour of hosting an especially distinguished Japanese delegation for its 12th European Hozonkai Championship:

  • ENDOU Takashi - AKIHO President

  • KAWAKITA Kousuke - (recently retired) AKIHO Vice-President

  • SAITOU Akira - AKIHO Vice-Director of Judging

For more information, please head on to From Japan.

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Peter van der Lugt Peter van der Lugt


After last month’s pre-announcement on social media, AKIHO Europe is proud to formally announce the 12th European Hozonkai Championship is set to take place on 8-9 April in Torino, Italy. Furthermore, exciting news from Japan is to be shared, which is not only relevant to the 12th EHC, but will impact all future overseas AKIHO activities…

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Peter van der Lugt Peter van der Lugt


Last Sunday the 11th European Hozonkai Championship took place in beautiful Torino, Italy. AKIHO Europe would like to thank everybody for their participation and making it such an enjoyable event. For a full list of results, please visit the 11th EHC results page.

Needless to say, a special word of gratitude goes out to AKIHO judges Tashiro Hideki and Hamada Masami for their skilled judgement and having shared their expertise at this year’s AKIHO Benkyoukai (seminar).

In the coming week pictures and videos will be shared on our FB and (new!) Instagram page, so be sure to keep your eyes on our socials.

Congratulations to all winners and we look forward seeing you at the next European Hozonkai Championship!

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Peter van der Lugt Peter van der Lugt


Only a few days left before the 11th European Hozonkai Championship will take place in Torino, Italy. Also this year none other than AKIHO President and Committee of the National Diet Director Endou Takashi has a personal message to share for AKIHO’s European members. For those eager to learn what he has to tell, be sure to join us at the annual Celebratory Reunion & Dinner the day before exhibition, where Endou’s message will be aired.

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Peter van der Lugt Peter van der Lugt


Entries for the 11th European Hozonkai Championship have just been closed, resulting in a total of 108 Akita Inu. The exhibition wil have exhibitors from all over Europe, including (in alphabetical order) Belgium, Croatia, France, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania and Spain.

AKIHO Europe is looking forward to a great exhibition and seeing all of you soon.

11th European Hozonkai Championship - Japan Returns To Europe! 🇪🇺❤️🇯🇵🐕

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Peter van der Lugt Peter van der Lugt


With AKIHO Europe’s 11th European Hozonkai Championship just around the corner—only 8 days left before it takes place and only 2 days to enter—news worth sharing has reached us from AKIHO Headquarters in Japan. Whereas normally AKIHO’s Shibuten and Kurabuten events are to follow a format that uses a combined Seiken class, due to entry numbers special permission has been granted to split this year’s adult entries up into Seiken A and B, similarly to as done at AKIHO’s biannual Honbuten (Headquarters Exhibition) in Japan.

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