This year AKIHO Europe has the honour of hosting the following judges* for its 10th European Hozonkai Championship:

  • MIURA Kousei - AKIHO Judge

  • HAMADA Masami - former AKIHO Director of Judging and Advisor

Judge HAMADA Masami, 86 years old and Daisen resident (Akita Prefecture), previously acted as AKIHO’s Director of Judging, added with over thirty years of judging experience, while nowadays being formally retired and acting as Komon (Advisor) on the Judging Committee. In addition, he is known for having bred Masaru, the Akita Inu that was gifted by AKIHO to world and olympic champion figure skater Alina Zagitova.

Judge MIURA Kousei, 60 years old and Akita resident (Akita Prefecture) has been member of the AKIHO judging community since 2015, presiding over exhibitions across Japan and overseeing international events in locations such as AKIHO North America and AKIHO Beijing. His dedication extends back to 2013 as a member of the AKIHO Judging Department.

From 2008 to 2012, he served as an executive of the AKIHO North Akita Prefecture Chapter and joined Akita Inu Hozonkai in 2006, marking a long-standing commitment to the preservation and promotion of the breed.

Outside of his duties within AKIHO, Miura-san is the president of Miura Koubisha, a company specializing in interior finishes. His expertise ranges in areas from wallpaper and carpet installation to traditional Japanese interior decorations like fusuma, shoji, and kakejiku.

*NOTE: Due to the 10th EHC being judged by same judges as last year's AKIHO Central Europe show, classes will be organized in such a way that overlap will be minimized for those who competed in Poland.